Alongside a Gibbous Orange Moon

Thursday, April 08, 2004

A Note to Our Correspondents

Both Nancy and I lost all the e-mail sent to us at our Juno accounts on Thursday, April 8th. So if you sent us any interesting mail, please resend. (Okay, you can resend any boring e-mail as well. We can't tell the difference anyway.)

I will try to set up a comments system on this blog tonight, to facilitate communication and to avoid any other lost communications.

||+ permalink Comments Geofhuth 11:59 PM

Not Quite Petrichor

North Easter Island Circle, Englewood, Florida

Early this week, after a rain, I stepped out of my car at work and smelled a fresh smell, not quite clean and not quite dirty, something of a clean muddy scent. I assume this smell is petrichor, the scent in the air after the first rainstorm of a season.

Today, while driving thru Georgia, on a section of I-95 that seemed to be crossing over fingers of the ocean trying to pry apart the solid land, I smelled the distinct smell of rotting sealife. Not quite petrichor.

I'll post the full account of today's travels tomorrow morning. For now, suffice it to say that we were on the road for 15 hours and that we drove exactly 984 miles. I wanted to drive an extra 16 miles so we could reach 1,000, but Nancy wasn't interested in such achievements.

||+ permalink Comments Geofhuth 11:21 PM