Alongside a Gibbous Orange Moon

Monday, April 12, 2004

Stormy Weather from the Bungalow

Overnight, huge storms roared around us, throwing thunder, rain, and lightning upon us. The noise and light occasionally woke me, and I would shift position or watch the curtains light up.

This morning, the storms continued, so we spent the day indoors. At times, the storms were dramatic, and the giant shagbark pine across the street would sway ominously. Nancy would stand on the front porch as close to the tree as possible at such times and tell me about the damage the tree could cause to the house. I told her to come inside a few times, but she stood there transfixed. She loves to watch storms.

We spent the day working on various separate projects. Nancy read an entire book that would have taken me a week to read. I prepared for my trip to Miami tomorrow and did some reading for work. Tim and his grandfather went to see a movie. After Tim returned, his second cousin Sophie called him three times and talked about his going over to their house, but she never really invited him over. (But what do you expect from four-year-olds?)

Not much of a day. It was the kind of day in Florida where everyone feels the weather has stolen their vacation.

Quotes of the Day (Differing Reviews of the Movie Hellboy):

Tim: Good.

Mr Mike: ~Different~.

Sign of the Day: Losing power three times.

||+ permalink Comments Geofhuth 11:52 PM